Our story starts in 1994, as a tiny business in Gherla city. Our passion for creating meat products, our skill and commitment have guided us on our journey and helped us to grow fast, year after year.
Today we are the proud owners of 20 stores across the country and over 100 types of products that combine traditional recipes with modern ones. We have also invested in a competitive factory for the processing and industrialization of meat, equipped with high standard, computerized, cutting edge technology. Here we conduct our research activity for the discovery of new technologies and for constantly expanding the diversity of our range of products.
This year, we make a confident step forward and initiate the construction of a new meat-processing factory, holding a capacity of 20 t/day. It is a project that makes our work more beautiful and that we plan to finalize towards the end of the current year.
Our vision is to combine traditional recipes that Master Butcher holds dear, by using the techniques and the taste and quality standards of today. These are the values we most care about, that guide us and inspire us on our journey: Quality – Tradition – Passion.
Each step we take, we think about the respect we have for the tradition we have committed to protect and take further, about our appreciation for the artisanship of the profession, and about the wants of our clients. They know how to recognize high quality products, honest craft, and prices carefully thought out. Because we believe deeply in rediscovering, protecting and sharing valuable knowledge, and because preparing food is our dearest craft, the spice we always use for all our products is PASSION.